
Papers in English about animals and animal ethics by Titus Rivas

Geplaatst door

Titus Rivas   (publicatiedatum: 4 August, 2012)


Papers in English about animals and animal ethics by Titus Rivas


Papers in English about animals and animal ethics by Titus Rivas (including reviews)

- Animal-friendly dairy consumption?

- Animals and the Afterlife by Kim Sheridan (review)

- Blaming the Victim

- Conversion versus Guidance

- Do animals have a consciousness?

- Do animals have much to tell?

- Does consciousness exist in animals? (with Dr. Esteban Rivas)

- Duende, flamenco and bullfights

- For God's sake: what's got into you? Islam and ethics concerning animals

- Joan of Arc: Freedom Fighter

- Killing Young Animals for Human Consumption

- Quichottisation

- Laughing at Animals: Speciesism and Fiction

- Nice doggie! Affection in the Animal Kingdom

- Pioneers of animal emancipation

- Spirituality, engagement and commitment to animals

- The Denial of Consciousness in Non-Human Animals: Short comment on Bob Bermond's paper "The Myth of Animal Suffering" in Marcel Dol, et al. (1997) Animal Consciousness and Animal Ethics.

- The attitude (eating) behavior model behind veganism

- The Denial of Injustice: Existential Anxiety as a Source of the Underestimation of Animal Suffering

- The murder of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn: does left-wing animal rights activism lead to terror?

- The Question of Animal Awareness and the Culture of Science (with Dr. Esteban Rivas

- The Use Of Analogous Reasoning For Assessing Discomfort In Laboratory Animals (with F.R. Stafleu, E. Rivas, J. Vorstenbosch, F.R. Heeger, and A.C. Beynen)

- What is so extreme about veganism?

- Why Veganism is Not Natural, but Excellent

- Xenotransplantation

Contact: titusrivas@hotmail.com